A few glimpses on who I am
I was born and grew up in a small village against the Jura mountains. After completion of law studies and some work experiences in Geneva, I left the region when I turned 26 to travel with the desire to engage with other ways of life around the Planet. I spent several years in Asia, Australia, New Zealand, tuning to a slower pace, but one that was full of intensity and beauty; living close to the Ocean and Nature. My awareness was focused on attempting to shed preconceptions I had built through life and to work towards transcending more and more the ego. I wished to be in yoga.
Isha Yoga empowered me with tools to deepen my life experience. My search for meaning, my wonder for Life and our existence in the universe, and the love within me, kept growing.
This mindset and quest led me to undertake a rigorous training of 1’750 hours in 21 weeks at the Isha Yoga Center in Tamil Nadu, India, within the Ashram founded by Sadhguru (Isha Yoga Center Coimbatore (sadhguru.org). These 6 months were beyond words, an immeasurable push forward in my journey and I humbly hope to be able on to pass on these transformational tools of Isha hatha yoga to anyone with whom this yearning to transcend ones boundaries resonates.
I am full of gratitude for Life, People and Beings around me and those I don’t know who bring their richness and diversity to the world, the yoga teachings imparted to me, and Sadhguru.
Samayana yoga meaning and origins
In Sanskrit, “Sama” means equanimous, and “yama” means path. Samayana literally means “the path leading to equanimity”, or that state of inner calm and mental serenity that is unaffected by external circumstances.
In this state of balanced emotions and better control over our reactions and compulsions, the best version of our humanity can find expression, as we are capable of making choices consciously. This is the freedom that I ultimately seek and that Isha Hatha Yoga has contributed to offer me: the powerful yet subtle practices are deeply transformative, providing the tools to transcend limitations and open the doors to new possibilities.
Samayana yoga stems from the intention to offer the purest and most authentic form of yoga that has emerged about 15,000 ago and to convey a different message for yoga than that which prevails in the West. These millenia-old teachings were handed down to me by Sadhguru, a living Master and yogi, free from any religious connotation.
Hatha Yoga stems from a deep understanding of the mechanics of the body, and uses yogic postures, or yogasanas, to enable the system to sustain higher dimensions of energy. By practicing this profound science, one can change and enhance the way they think, feel, and experience life. Hatha Yoga is about creating a body that is not a hurdle in your life. The body becomes a stepping stone in the progress towards blossoming into your ultimate possibility.
What we refer to as capability, talent, creativity or your ability to do things in the world is just a certain way your energy functions. In one plant, this energy functions to create rose flowers. In another, it functions to create jasmine. But it is all the same energy manifesting itself. If you gain a little bit of mastery over your own energies, you will simply and naturally do things that you never imagined possible. This is the experience of any number of people who have started doing yogic practices. It is the inner technology of creating situations the way you want them.
Sadhguru, an accomplished yogi and Indian mystic, is a living master who has passed on the tools of yoga in their purest form.
Named one of India’s 50 most influential people, Sadhguru’s work has deeply touched the lives of millions worldwide through his transformational programs. Sadhguru has a unique ability to make the ancient yogic sciences relevant to contemporary minds, acting as a bridge to the deeper dimensions of life. His life and work are constant reminders that the inner sciences are not outdated philosophies, but rather, vitally relevant to our times. His approach does not ascribe to any belief system, but offers methods for self-transformation that are both proven and powerful.
He initiated major movements, especially in the environmental and social fields, and is fully engaged in everything he does with deep compassion for all beings. He regularly attends numerous international forums such as the United Nations and its agencies’ general assemblies and the World Economic Forum for example, where he interacts with people from a wide range of backgrounds.
He is the founder of the Isha Foundation which houses the Isha Hatha School of Yoga, where I did my training.